Embedded Microstrip Impedance Calculator

Note: Use this calculator to find the impedance of an embedded microstrip from trace width, trace thicknesses, substrate height, and substrate dielectric constant.

Note: Height H1 cannot be greater than the value of H2 if it is so the calculator will return zero as output

  • ϵr


  • Impedance
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ε:     Dielectric Constant

W :    Trace Width

T :     Trace Thickness

H1:    Height from Lower plane to substrate top

H2 :    Heigth from embedded microstrip to substrate top

Embedded Microstrip:    Embedded Microstrip is a PCB trace suspended over a ground plane with dielectric material between it and dielectric material above it.PCB trace with ground plane below and solder mask above it can also be considered as an embedded microstrip. Models have been created to approximate the characteristics of the embedded microstrip transmission line. A good approximation is provided by the formulas contained in the document IPC-2141A.

Microwave antennas and couplers as well as some filters can be created using the embedded microstrip. These transmission lines are not as easy to manufacture as microstrips, but nevertheless are still far cheaper than the traditional waveguide, as well as being more compact and lighter. However, microstrips cannot handle power levels as high as waveguides can. Microstrips also have issues in power loss, cross-talk, and unintentional radiation because they are not enclosed like the waveguide. Embedded microstrips also find themselves in high-speed digital PCB designs where entail signal travel with minimal distortion and no cross-talk and/or radiation is required. 

IPC standards:    IPC is the trade association for the electronic interconnection industry. It provides standards for the assembly and protection of electronic equipment, as well as training, market research, and public policy advocacy.

IPC-2141A:    IPC 2141A is a Design Guide for High-Speed Controlled Impedance circuit boards or controlled Impedance circuit boards and high-speed Logic Design

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