Stripline maximum current calculator

Note: Use this calculator to find the max current capacity of a microstrip from trace width, trace thicknesses, temperature rise, and length of stripline.
  • Degree C
  • Degree C


  • Imax
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Imax   Maximum current carrying capacity of microstrip

T      Trace Thickness

W     Trace width

 ΔT    Temperature Rise

L        Trace Length

ρcu     resistivity of Copper = 1.7 x 10-6

 αcu     temperature coefficient of Copper = 3.9 x 10-3

According to IPC-2221A Par. 6.2 (“Conductive Material Requirements”), their values for outer layers are

k        0.24

b        0.44

c        0.725

Stripline:    Signal traces that are routed between two ground planes on an internal layer are commonly referred to as stripline routing. Striplines are of different types based on the height of substrate between stripline to top or bottom conducting layer. If both the height is the same it's a symmetrical stripline and if its different it is called an asymmetrical stripline. There are advantages to such an arrangement, most important of which being that the electromagnetic radiation is entirely enclosed within a homogeneous dielectric, thus minimizing emissions and providing natural shielding against incoming spurious signals.  

They are efficient because they don't radiate signal, as the conductor is well protected. They are convenient because striplines are easier to manufacture compared to standard capacitors and inductors. Just like any other electronic component PCB traces does also have their maximum rating.The maximum current that a stripline can safely handle is a function of its width.  This calculator is used to find the maximum current carrying capacity of a stripline.

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