Microstrip Inductance Calculator

Note : Use this calculator to find the inductance of a microstrip from trace width, trace length, and height of substrate.


  • Inductance
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W      Trace width

L        Trace Length

H       Height of substrate

Lind     Inductance

Microstrip:    Microstrip is a PCB trace over a ground plane with dielectric material above it.  Models have been created to approximate the characteristics of the microstrip transmission line. A good approximation is provided by the formulas contained in the document IPC-2141A. Microstrip is the conducting medium used to transmit the electric signals at microwave frequency and fabricated using PCB - printed circuit board. Usually, Microstrip separated from the ground by using a dielectric substrate to avoid unnecessary interferences. Microstrips are very light and low power consuming components used in microwave technology such as antennas, couplers, etc. 

Microwave antennas and couplers as well as some filters can be created using the microstrip. However, microstrips cannot handle power levels as high as waveguides can. Microstrips also have issues in power loss, cross-talk, and unintentional radiation because they are not enclosed like the waveguide. Embedded microstrips also find themselves in high-speed digital PCB designs where entail signal travel with minimal distortion and no cross-talk and/or radiation is required.

At very high frequencies, the required circuit inductance and capacitance values were too small for standard inductors and capacitors. As such, microstrips serve the same function as inductors and capacitors only at microwave frequencies. They are used as tuned circuits, impedance-matchers, filters, phase shifters, and reactive components.  

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