Weller Tools Introduces WSW Solder Wire Platform to Deliver Perfect Solder Joint

Weller Tools Introduces WSW Solder Wire Platform to Deliver Perfect Solder Joint712370

Weller Tools, the world's No.1 brand in hand sol­der­ing so­lu­tions, in­tro­duced the new WSW Sol­der Wire plat­form, en­gi­neered to de­liver the per­fect sol­der joint every time. The suc­cess­ful launch of the 30 new Weller WSW sol­der wires speaks for it­self: De­signed to en­hance the qual­ity of all hand and ro­botic sol­der­ing jobs, the Weller WSW sol­der wires in­crease pro­duc­tiv­ity while re­duc­ing op­er­at­ing costs. 

With a guar­an­teed 100% con­tin­u­ous flux core, com­bined with pure first metal melt­ing, WSW en­able long-term, highly durable sol­der joints with­out crack­ing, even on dif­fi­cult sur­faces. WSW sol­der wires op­ti­mize the per­for­mance of the sol­der­ing process by re­duc­ing tip con­sump­tion, en­sur­ing a low total cost of own­er­ship by de­creas­ing labor time and re­sources. The re­duce splash fea­ture in­creases di­rect user safety while keep­ing the work­bench clean.

The WSW sol­der wire plat­form is avail­able in a range of reel sizes: 100g, 250g, and 500g. As best-in-class pro­fes­sional sol­der wire the WSW port­fo­lio meets both the re­quire­ments of R&D en­gi­neers, re­work tech­ni­cians, sol­der­ing tech­ni­cians as well as of gen­eral, pro­fes­sional and arts & crafts hob­by­ists and DIY­ers.

Per­fect ad­di­tion: The Weller SD 1000 sol­der wire dis­penser for sol­der wire spools up to 1 kg. Its heavy base plate pro­vides per­fect sta­bil­ity. The dis­penser is suit­able for dif­fer­ent sol­der wire di­am­e­ters and en­ables quick sol­der wire feed­ing.

For more work­ing space and a well-or­ga­nized sol­der­ing work­sta­tion with dif­fer­ent wire di­am­e­ters, the op­tional ABW 2 at­tach­ment kit can be eas­ily mounted for using ad­di­tional sol­der wire coils.

Weller WSW is com­prised of six prod­uct ranges:

  • WSW SAC M1 pro­vides very fast wet­ting, even on dif­fi­cult sur­faces and is ap­plic­a­ble on dirty and ox­i­dized ma­te­ri­als. The no-clean uni­ver­sal wire is ca­pa­ble of high sol­der­ing tem­per­a­tures and fea­tures ex­cel­lent melt­ing char­ac­ter­is­tics for var­i­ous ap­pli­ca­tions.
  • WSW SAC L0 is 100% halo­gen-free with good wet­ting and melt­ing char­ac­ter­is­tics and can han­dle high sol­der­ing tem­per­a­tures. It also is a no-clean flux.
  • WSW SC L0 is an­other no-clean flux, 100% halo­gen-free wire with good wet­ting and melt­ing char­ac­ter­is­tics. It also is a sil­ver-free alloy, mak­ing it cost-ef­fec­tive.
  • WSW SCN M1 fea­tures very fast wet­ting, even on dif­fi­cult sur­faces, and is ap­plic­a­ble on dirty and ox­i­dized ma­te­ri­als. High sol­der tem­per­a­tures are pos­si­ble and it pro­vides ex­cel­lent melt­ing char­ac­ter­is­tics cost ef­fec­tively. It de­liv­ers shiny sol­der joints with per­fect op­tics and is a no-clean flux as well as a sil­ver-free alloy.
  • WSW SC M1 cost-ef­fec­tively pro­vides very fast wet­ting even on dif­fi­cult sur­faces. It is ap­plic­a­ble on dirty and ox­i­dized ma­te­ri­als, fea­tures ex­cel­lent melt­ing char­ac­ter­is­tics, and can han­dle high sol­der­ing tem­per­a­tures. It is a no-clean flux as well as a sil­ver-free alloy.
  • WSW SnPb lead sol­der wire pro­vides su­pe­rior per­for­mance for sol­der­ing alu­minum and stain­less steel sur­faces. It also can be used under low pro­cess­ing tem­per­a­tures, is a no-clean flux, and pro­vides ex­cel­lent wet­ting and melt­ing char­ac­ter­is­tics as well as shiny sol­der joints (per­fect op­tics).

WSW ex­ceeds the in­dus­try stan­dards and re­duces tip sol­der­ing use up to 70 per­cent with fewer sol­der­ing splashes, uni­form melt­ing be­hav­ior, best qual­ity, and no ma­te­r­ial con­t­a­m­i­na­tion. The plat­form is ideal for fast tip wet­ting, re­sult­ing in per­fect sol­der joints, an op­ti­mized pro­duc­tion process, clean work­spaces, and user safety. Avail­able for a range of ap­pli­ca­tions across man­u­fac­tur­ing and re­tail, WSW de­liv­ers max­i­mum flex­i­bil­ity.

Publisher: PCB Directory


  • Country:Germany
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