TYRI Starts In-House Production of Circuit Boards in Sweden with a Capacity to Produce 3 Million Units/Year

TYRI Starts In-House Production of Circuit Boards in Sweden with a Capacity to Produce 3 Million Units/Year712370

TYRI, a world leader in lighting for work machines, is starting in-house production of circuit boards in Sweden. The 1,800 square-meter factory in Kungsbacka will make the company self-sufficient in this area. By doing this, TYRI will achieve increased control, higher quality, and more reliable deliveries.

“We see many advantages in producing the circuit boards we need ourselves. Increased quality and delivery reliability are two of the most important reasons. We will produce for our production facility in Gothenburg and also for our production units in the UK and the USA,” says Jimmy Nordén, factory manager at TYRI Sweden.

All circuit boards that TYRI needs for its lighting units will be produced in the new factory in Kungsbacka, south of Gothenburg. By 2025, the company will be self-sufficient in circuit boards for all the lamps produced in the group’s three factories. This will reduce the impact of global uncertainties and ensure more secure deliveries to customers. TYRI’s choice to establish itself in Kungsbacka is due to the region’s strong presence in technical production.

“We have many colleagues the producing industry who have their circuit board production in southwest Sweden. A cluster of knowledge and experience has been built up here, and we want to contribute with our knowledge to make the region even stronger in this area,” says Per-Johan Edgren, who joined TYRI in January this year to contribute his extensive knowledge in circuit board manufacturing and digitalization within the manufacturing industry.

TYRI sees circuit board production as a part of its development. The factory will also have a section focusing on the manufacture of customized lighting where cleanliness requirements are particularly high, a business area TYRI sees growing strongly in the coming years. With this investment, TYRI’s largest ever, new employees will also be recruited.

“In the coming year, we will recruit 10-20 people for production and other functions related to our continued development in Kungsbacka. The process has begun, and we look forward to finding new stars for our company. This is one of the most important investments we have made at TYRI since its inception,” says Martin Karlberg, CEO and founder of TYRI.

As TYRI opens a brand new circuit board production facility, it does so with the future in mind. Digitalization is the focus, and the 30 meter-long line is prepared from the start for future continued digitalization.

“To achieve profitability in in-house circuit board production, a high degree of digitalization is required. We have done our homework, we are using the technology available today, and have prepared ourselves for future continued digitalization. Much of it is about improving productivity with high quality. That was the condition for making this investment, and it seems we have succeeded,” concludes Per-Johan, production manager for TYRI’s new circuit board production in Kungsbacka.

Click here for more information on TYRI.

Publisher: PCB Directory
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