What are the Differences Between QFN and QFP Packaging?

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Editorial Team - PCB Directory

Jan 31, 2023

What Are QFN (Quad Flat No-Lead) Packages | Sierra Circuits

QFP and QFN are two types of surface mount technology (SMT) packages used for electronic components. QFP stands for "quad flat package" and QFN stands for "quad flat no-lead" package.

The main difference between the two is that QFP packages have leads (also known as pins) that protrude from the bottom of the package and are used to connect the package to a printed circuit board (PCB), while QFN packages do not have leads and are instead connected to the PCB using surface mount technology.

Other differences between QFP and QFN packages include:

  • Size: QFP packages are typically larger than QFN packages because they have leads.
  • Number of Pins: QFP packages can have anywhere from 32 to over 100 pins, while QFN packages typically have less than 32 pins.
  • Lead Pitch: The lead pitch of a QFP package is the distance between the centers of adjacent leads, and it is typically smaller than the lead pitch of a QFN package. This means that QFP packages can be more densely packed with components than QFN packages.

In general, QFP packages are used for components that require a high number of connections or a large amount of space on the PCB, while QFN packages are used for components that require a smaller number of connections and have a smaller footprint on the PCB.





32 to over 100

Less than 32

Lead pitch




Protrude from the bottom of the package, used to connect the package to the PCB

No leads, connected to PCB using SMT


Typically larger than QFN packages

Typically smaller than QFP packages

Suitable for components

Those that require a high number of connections or a large amount of space on the PCB

Those that require a smaller number of connections and have a limited amount of space on the PCB

Click here to learn more about QFN Packages.

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