Rigid Flex In Depth

  •  Altium
Rigid Flex In Depth

More and more designers are facing the need to reduce size and cost of the products they design, while increasing density and simplifying assembly. Rigid-Flex circuits (those which incorporate flexible portions between separate rigid sections) are becoming a more common solution. This eBook will cover the materials, fabrication, and design methods for using rigid-flex technology. Rigid-Flex can have many benefits, and there are many designers today considering it today who previously did not have to; the market is changing rapidly. It seems that more designers are facing higher pressures to build ever more densely populated electronics, and with that also comes pressure to reduce costs and time in manufacturing. Well, this is really nothing new of course. It’s just that the scope of engineers and designers having to respond to these pressures is continuously broadening.

But there are aspects of rigid-flex which could be pot-holes in the road for new comers to the technology. So it’s wise to first understand how flex circuits and rigid-flex boards are actually made. From there we can look at the design issues and find a clear path forward. For now, let us consider what basic materials go into these boards.

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