Optimizing The Print Process For Mixed Technology

  •  Circuit Insight
  •  Clive Ashmore, Mark Whitmore, and Simon Clasper
Optimizing The Print Process For Mixed Technology

As consumers the expectation of increased functionality for a given real estate size is a given, however there comes a time where this tireless demand for product efficiency starts to stretch the design for manufacture (DFM) rules. Fabricating products with decreasing feature size and increasing complexity is not the issue nor is producing products that have larger components; the dilemma is when products require both. This predicament is now upon the Surface Mount Technology (SMT) community, the imminent role out of 0.3mm CSP looks to be pushing the feature size below 200 micron but still RF shields and connectors are required - or put another way Heterogeneous assembly is looming upon us. It is the authors’ intention that this will be the first of a series of papers in which solutions for heterogeneous assembly will be discussed. This paper will investigate how by optimising a “standard” printing process it is possible to start to bridge the issues surrounding heterogeneous assembly

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