No Clean Solder Flux Paste vs. Water Soluble Flux Solder Paste

No Clean Solder Flux Paste vs. Water Soluble Flux Solder Paste

With the phasing out of CFC’s and HCFC’s, the electronic industry evolved standard solder pastes and fluxes from RA and RMA fluxes. These included several types of No-Clean, Aqueous, and Semi-Aqueous cleaning solutions. However, the advent of lead-free soldering and the progressive miniaturization of electronic devices further complicated the scenario for the suppliers of these cleaners.

Three factors mainly affect the cleaning performance of cleaning solutions: 

HANSEN PARAMETERS - a characterization of the contaminant to be dissolved, signifying the solvency power of the cleaning solution. 

SURFACE TENSION - important as the cleaning product has to dissolve contaminants under or around closely packed components. 

PHYSICAL PARAMETERS -such as temperature, mechanical activities necessary, and the duration of the process.

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