Ultra Librarian Integration Enhances Altair's ECAD and Multiphysics Solutions

Ultra Librarian Integration Enhances Altair's ECAD and Multiphysics Solutions712370

Altair, a prominent figure in the realm of computational science and artificial intelligence (AI) on a global scale, has revealed the incorporation of the Ultra Librarian® CAD model library into multiple Altair ECAD verification and multiphysics solutions. These include Altair® PollEx™, Altair® SimLab®, and Altair One UDE. With Ultra Librarian, Altair users gain immediate access to an extensive collection of over 16 million symbols, footprints, and 3D models. 

This comprehensive, cloud-based library streamlines the process, eliminating the necessity for manual model creation and upkeep. "Integrating Ultra Librarian into Altair tools is a massive step for our ECAD verification and multiphysics solutions, which will give users more power than ever before," said Sam Mahalingam, chief technology officer, of Altair. "Now, users have access to verified Ultra Librarian CAD models directly from within Altair desktop applications and cloud-based systems. This makes workflows far more accurate and efficient – saving time, effort, and costs."

The integration of Ultra Librarian® into Altair electronics solutions gives users the ability to search, preview, and place components quickly through the web or with native CAD integrations, saving time and eliminating errors. Each model is extensively verified for accuracy and consistency with industry standards, empowering users to confidently plug models directly into their tools to see exactly how designs, components, and systems will look upon completion. This will significantly cut modeling time and ensure simulations are accurate and represent a true digital twin of their design.

Users can now utilize Ultra Librarian's models in Altair's multiphysics products for printed circuit board (PCB) manufacturing verification, and thermal, structural, and mechanical simulation and beyond. This will benefit any user and organization that designs, simulates, and verifies PCB/electronic components.

"We are excited to take this next step with Altair to give its customers more power, efficiency, and accelerated opportunities to innovate," said Manny Marcano, president and chief executive officer, of EMA Design Automation. "This collaboration further enhances Altair's world-class technology and will help electronic design customers in all industries increase their productivity."

Click here to learn more about Ultra Librarian.

Click here to learn more about Altair's product showcase.

Click here to learn more about Altair's multiphysics solutions.

Publisher: PCB Directory
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