Printed Electronics Industry to Continue its Growth in 2020 Despite Covid-19 Crisis

Printed Electronics Industry to Continue its Growth in 2020 Despite Covid-19 Crisis712370

According to the latest business climate survey conducted by the OE-A (Organic and Printed Electronics Association), 90% of the participants expect the organic and printed electronics industry to continue its positive development in the coming year. The worldwide crisis caused by Covid-19 will however not leave companies unaffected. 

During each survey, OE-A members – from material suppliers to end-users – are asked to provide qualitative data on the state of the industry and their expected sales development. Based on this survey, OE-A expects 8 percent sales growth for 2020, confirming the forecast from autumn 2019. For 2021, a continuation of this positive trend within the organic and printed electronics industry is expected. The companies expect further development and stable growth in revenue of 10 percent. This growth is expected along the entire value chain.

The positive forecasts for 2020 are also reflected in other areas. Investments in production facilities and expenditure in R&D shows a slight growth. Furthermore, according to the survey, the employment situation remains stable within the organic and printed electronics industry. The most important user industries are consumer electronics, automotive as well as medical and pharmaceutical.

Dr. Klaus Hecker, OE-A Managing Director, commented that the expected increase in sales is of course very good news in a currently difficult global environment. However, it is at present unclear what the exact effects of the Coronavirus will be. They are experiencing the first delays in supply chains and postponements of projects and orders from their members, which will lead to a loss of sales. The exact extent cannot yet be estimated.

Publisher: PCB Directory
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