NCAB Group Appoints Peter Kruk as the New CEO

NCAB Group Appoints Peter Kruk as the New CEO712370

Peter Kruk has been announced as the new CEO of the NCAB Group, the leading organization developing printed circuit boards in a sustainable way. The decision was made after Hans Ståhl, the ex-CEO, retired from the position after a successful career spanning 17 years.

“I joined NCAB 2003 and after a while understood the beauty of the concept, outsource the actual manufacturing and handle the most critical part by ourselves – the relationship with the customer. The years at NCAB has been fantastic and our success is all due to all the skilled, smart and dedicated employees, they are the reason why we have grown faster than our competitors,” the departing CEO stated in an update.

“I am happy to welcome Peter Kruk onboard and I feel both confident and enthusiastic for him taking up this position. I will fully remain in my role until Peter begins to ensure a smooth introduction and transition. Thereafter I will leave the operating responsibilities but remain an engaged Board member and owner,” Mr. Ståhl said.

Peter Kruk is joining NCAB Group from the position as President of the EMEA region at Dometic Group. He has a background as President of Stoneridge Electronics, an American supplier to the transportation industry and one of NCAB’s customers, as well as other leading positions notably within the Industrial group ABB.

“Apart from knowing NCAB from a customer perspective at Stoneridge, I have during the last couple of months had the opportunity to meet with Hans and other people in the organization. Taking part in NCABs virtual event was a great way for me to further get an insight to the company culture. I have very much looked forward to my starting date and together with the organization continue the excellent development that the company has had under Hans’ leadership,” Peter Kruk said in the update.

Publisher: PCB Directory
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