Elsyca CuBE Wins the NPI Award in the Plating Category

Elsyca CuBE Wins the NPI Award in the Plating Category712370

On April 6, 2021 the NPI awards were handed out virtually, and Elsyca CuBE was the big winner in the Plating category.

Robrecht Belis, Manager Surface Finishing and PCB at Elsyca said that winning the NPI Award is a true recognition by the PCB industry and clearly illustrates the importance of understanding the impact of a PCB design on final layer thickness.

Elsyca CuBE is an innovative technology and the first-ever simulation software that translates a PCB design into a detailed copper layer thickness graph and KPI information. It extends the DFM capabilities and allows to predict and resolve product and production issues before handoff to the fabricators. The Elsyca CuBE gives PCB designers several manufacturability advantages in terms of plating like:

  • Faster time to market: Immediate feedback allows problems to be solved in the design stage and also provides automated improvement suggestions. This saves time as designers don't have to wait for feedback from the FAB.
  • Reduced costs and higher quality: Instead of relying on rule-of-thumb designers can rely on consistent layer thickness simulations which enable them to plate right the first time itself. This results in more competitive prices based on facts instead of educated guesses.
  • Designers get access to expert independent and consistent validation, which results in fewer unexpected issues when the design is sent to FAB. Hence, more suppliers can build parts resulting in fewer bottlenecks.

Publisher: PCB Directory
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