Aurora Circuits to Host Collaborative Webinar Series With Focus on Ultra-Heavy Copper PCBs

Aurora Circuits to Host Collaborative Webinar Series With Focus on Ultra-Heavy Copper PCBs712370

Aurora Circuits, a leading USA-based PCB manufacturer, has launched a new Collaborative Webinar Series for PCB professionals and customers. The first Webinar from the series will be on Ultra-Heavy Copper PCBs and will be held on August 12 from 12:00 - 2:45 PM (CT).

Aurora Circuits, located in Aurora, Illinois, is one of the PCB industry’s leaders when it comes to producing heavy copper PCBs with capabilities to produce boards with over 20 ounces of copper. Ultra-heavy copper is the company's term for boards with anything over 15 ounces of copper.

The ultra-heavy copper webinar will cover: The advantages and uses for ultra-heavy copper in the PCB industry, and advancements in this technology; key uses cases and exactly how Aurora Circuits collaborates with designers and engineers across the world on this technology.

Presenters for the Webinar will Include:

  • Dr. Chris Kalmus, President, Aurora Circuits
  • Thad Bartosz, Director of Business Development, Aurora Circuits
  • John Holmquest, Director of Engineering, Aurora Circuits
  • Brian Zirlin, Director of Sales and Marketing, Aurora Circuits
  • Special Guest: Steve Taylor, Thermal Substrate Solutions

According to Dr. Christopher Kalmus, President of Aurora Circuits, heavy copper is a technology whose time has come. With the onset of Electronic and Autonomous vehicles and the advances in all technologies especially LED lighting, Aurora Circuits has seen a huge uptick in the demand for heavy copper PCBs with designers and engineers enquiring for more information about heavy copper technology which is why as a service to the industry Aurora Circuits decided to produce this webinar.

Click here to register now for Aurora Circuits’ Collaborative Webinar Series.

Publisher: PCB Directory
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