Accu-Assembly's Breakthrough in Storage and Efficiency with AccuLiFT

Accu-Assembly's Breakthrough in Storage and Efficiency with AccuLiFT712370

Accu-Assembly has introduced a game-changing innovation: AccuLiFT which is designed to revolutionize storage and minimize labour and aims to redefine the landscape of electronic component management. It represents a technological advancement in the field of electronic reel component storage and retrieval systems (ASRS).

Unlike conventional systems that demand manual input of components, AccuLiFT boasts full automation, allowing users to stack up to 150 reels of components into its input area and simply walk away. The system takes charge from there, seamlessly picking up reels, scanning their barcodes, and efficiently storing them within its compact confines.

At the core of AccuLiFT's innovation lies its Vertical Lift Module (VLM) design concept, meticulously engineered to maximise storage capacity while minimizing footprint. With dimensions as modest as 88 inches x 92 inches (2.25 m x 2.33 m), AccuLiFT delivers unparalleled storage density. Even more impressively, without the robot, its footprint shrinks to a mere 88 inches x 64 inches (2.25 m x 1.62 m), a testament to its space-saving prowess.

The system's versatility is equally remarkable. AccuLiFT can accommodate reel diameters ranging from 7 inches (180 mm) to 15 inches (380 mm) and thicknesses from 4 mm to 44 mm. Users have the flexibility to reconfigure the machine to suit their needs, adjusting the mix of small and large reel storage capacity with ease.

Moreover, AccuLiFT doesn't just store components; it efficiently sorts and outputs reels based on various criteria such as job, placement program, line number, and more. Its built-in FIFO (First In, First Out) capability ensures optimal organization and retrieval, enhancing workflow efficiency.

AccuLiFT's modular design further enhances its appeal, allowing for easy transportation and installation. With a base height of just over 7 ft, it can fit into a standard container for shipping and manoeuvre through standard double doors for installation in enclosed stockroom areas.

A groundbreaking feature of AccuLiFT is its patented Direct Drive system, which eliminates the need for calibration. This innovative design corrects for misalignment during installation and machining tolerances throughout the machine's entire height, ensuring seamless operation and minimal maintenance.

To top it off, AccuLiFT offers a flexible software interface, empowering users to customize software plugins seamlessly. This feature provides customers with complete control over their operations, ensuring compatibility and adaptability to evolving needs.

AccuLiFT represents a paradigm shift in electronic component management, offering unmatched efficiency, flexibility, and reliability. As Accuassembly continues to push the boundaries of innovation, AccuLiFT stands as a testament to its commitment to revolutionizing the electronic assembly industry.

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Click here to learn more about AccuLiFT.

Publisher: PCB Directory
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