Trax Interconnect (pty)ltd

Trax Interconnect (pty)ltd

(0 reviews)
  • South Africa
  • +27 (0)21 712 5011
  • 2 Estmil Road Diep River Cape Town 7800
In 1975, Andy Chisholm started making printed circuit boards (PCB’s) at his home in Cape Town. As his list of customers grew, so did his need for staff and working space. After forming a company called RENAK, he moved to Gabriel House in Plumstead and later, to the Diel Building in Estmil Road Diep River. As time went by, quality became more important and the demand for PCB’s increased, as did the need for capital to allow the latest processes to be installed.

Supported PCB Services

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Trax Interconnect (pty)ltd

Trax Interconnect (pty)ltd

Fabrication Capabilities

This company provides PCB Fabrication services.
No Details Added.
PCB Board
Order Type
  • Up to 12 Layers
Material Brand
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