Brigitflex, Inc

Brigitflex, Inc

(0 reviews)
  • United States, Illinois, Elgin
  • +1-847-741-1452
  • 1725 Fleetwood Drive, Elgin IL 60123
  • ISO 9001:2015, ITAR

What makes us different from 'EveryOtherPCBShop' is our understanding - our BELIEF - that we are NOT JUST SELLING YOU A 'PRODUCT'! When you place an order with us, we become participants in the outcome of your design, packaging, and manufacturing efforts! We deeply value good customer relationships we have built over many years of working in this industry. You are increasingly under tremendous pressure to deliver results, and we are always willing to apply our full effort, and the materials expertise of our suppliers, to help you meet your design and manufacturing requirements. As in any good partnership, we believe in being honest and objective with you about any difficulties or problems when they may arise. We do this because, in our uncommonly diverse experience, it is proven repeatedly that this is the most effective way to successfully meet your needs, and so too, the needs of your customers.

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